
Consolidating Curriculum Knowledge

Why do we do it?

Homework is important because it enables students to:

  • Continue learning outside of the classroom
  • Consolidate newly acquired knowledge, revise prior learning and practise skills
  • Develop the self-discipline, perseverance, and confidence to study independently
  • Involve parents/carers in their learning.

Homework at Avon Valley Academy is designed so that our students over time commit their learning to long term memory and have the skills to retrieve this knowledge when needed. This could be day to day in the classroom or to facilitate achievement during assessments.

Knowledge Organisers

All students will receive their knowledge organisers at the start of each term. Students will store these with their homework book however, there is an expectation for students to bring them to their lessons.  These outline the key unmissable content students need to be successful in the subject that term. All students are given a copy of their Knowledge Organiser.

Every week, students are directed to learn specific parts of their knowledge organisers by heart following the homework timetable. This learning is then tested as a ‘Do Now’ activity at the start of a lesson. Students are also expected to continually revise previously-learned knowledge. This is tested in end-of-term cumulative knowledge tests.

What are knowledge organisers?

A knowledge organiser is a set of key facts or information that pupils need to know and be able to recall in order to master a unit or topic. Typically, an organiser fits onto one page of A4 this helps pupils to visualise the layout of the page which in turn helps them to memorise the information better.

Why do we use Knowledge Organisers?

GCSEs and BTECs are becoming increasingly difficult having removed aspects of controlled assessments such as coursework. The focus of exams is retrieval and application of knowledge, this puts increasing pressure on students to know and retain even more information for longer.

To improve how much information, we retain we must regularly revisit the knowledge to be learnt, this is spaced retrieval. This helps to transfer knowledge from short to long-term memory. Instead of forgetting previous learning, students continually revisit and retrieve prior learning from their long-term memories making it easily accessible when needed.

How will a knowledge organiser help me to help my child?

By using a knowledge organiser, you will be able to firstly check that your child has completed their homework and revision. Secondly help without a need to have subject specific knowledge.

Below is a list of strategies that can help with the completion of knowledge retrieval homework;

  • Read through the organiser with your child – if you don’t understand the content then ask them to explain it to you – ‘teaching’ you helps them to reinforce their learning.
  • Try converting the information into a mind map or make your own version using imagery if the organiser contains a lot of text.
  • Test them regularly on the spellings of key words until they are perfect. Make a note of the ones they get wrong – is there a pattern to the spelling of those words?
  • Get them to make a glossary (list) of key words with definitions or a list of formulae.
  • Read sections out to them, missing out key words or phrases that they have to fill in. Miss out more and more until they are word perfect.
  • Once they are word perfect and can remember all of the knowledge on the organiser, use the internet or a book to find out more or ask the teacher for some (more) exam questions.
  • Your child can also carry out the following,
    • Look, cover, write, check – use your red pen to complete any sections you have missed
    • Definitions to key words – use your red pen to mark your answers and correct the wrong ones
    • Create a mind map from the information provided
    • Asked to be quizzed, writing down the answers in their homework book then checking with their red pen


KS3 Homework guidance and monitoring information

The current homework policy for students in year 7, 8 and 9 is;

KS3 homework is to be set on a weekly basis and completed in a homework book. Students will be expected to complete two pieces of homework each evening using the homework timetable provided at the start of term. Homework reminders will be given by tutors on a Monday and then compliance will be checked during tutor time on Friday.

Common FAQs

What will this look like?

Every night retrieval practice, involving completion of two subjects set out from the weekly timetable

How is it completed?

Completed using the past terms knowledge organiser unless currently in term one. If the student has not been directed to a task by their teacher, then students independently complete a retrieval task based around the subjects stated on their timetable.

What about Maths?

Maths is set on the online platform SPARX

What is the timetable?
















What will tutors look for on a Friday?

Tutors will expect to see on a Friday;

  • Two subjects completed daily
  • Headings and correct dates used on the page
  • Ruled off between the two subjects

How will teachers check that homework has been completed?

Teachers are expected to, check completion through knowledge recall questions, checking for understanding and questioning during lessons.

What is retrieval practice?

Retrieval practice involves students recalling something that they've learnt in the past, a reasonable time after the topic has been initially taught to them and bringing it back to their minds. For example, students can use their knowledge organisers to look / cover / write a number of times from a small section to improve retention. Draw a diagram using an explanation from the knowledge organiser or expand on key words by using them in context.

KS4 Homework guidance and monitoring information

The current homework policy for students in year 10 and 11 is;

KS4 homework is to be set on a weekly basis where students will be expected to complete retrieval practice each evening using the past terms knowledge organiser. Students will also be set a direct task such as redoing or improving work, exam-based practise, or pre-reading for the next week. Where teachers do not set a direct task student still have the same expectation that they complete homework for the subject stated for that day. 

Common FAQs

What will this look like?

Every night retrieval practice, involving completion of two subjects set out from the weekly timetable. In Addition, an extended task will also be set which students are allowed up to a fortnight to complete. These tasks will be individual to each curriculum area e.g. exam questions, essay improvement.

How is it completed?

Completed using the past terms knowledge organiser unless currently in term one. If the student has not been directed to a task by their teacher, then students independently complete a retrieval task based around the subjects stated on their timetable.

What about Maths?

Maths is set on the platform SPARX, click here to access it.

What is the timetable?

Monday A 

Tuesday A 

Wednesday A 

Thursday A 

Friday A  



Option A 





Option D 



Separate Science


Knowledge recall




Knowledge recall



Option C

Knowledge recall


Option D


Knowledge recall




Knowledge recall


Option A

Option B

Monday B 

Tuesday B 

Wednesday B 

Thursday B 

Friday B 


Option B 






Option C

Health and social care




Knowledge recall



Option A

Knowledge recall


Option C


Knowledge recall




Knowledge recall


Option B


Knowledge recall



Option D

What will tutors look for on a Friday?

Tutors will expect to see on a Friday;

  • Two subjects completed daily
  • Headings and correct dates used on the page
  • Ruled off between the two subjects

How will teachers check that homework has been completed?

Teachers are expected to, check completion through knowledge recall questions, checking for understanding and questioning during lessons. In relation to the extended task this will be individual to the class teacher they will make it clear to their students what they are expecting.

What is retrieval practice?

Retrieval practice involves students recalling something that they've learnt in the past, a reasonable time after the topic has been initially taught to them and bringing it back to their minds. For example, students can use their knowledge organisers to look / cover / write a number of times from a small section to improve retention. Draw a diagram using an explanation from the knowledge organiser or expand on key words by using them in context.




General Documents Date  
Year 7 Knowledge Organiser Term 1 2023 24 02nd Sep 2023 Download
Year 8 Knowledge Organiser Term 6 2022 23 02nd Sep 2023 Download
Year 7 Knowledge Organiser Term 2 2023 24 02nd Nov 2023 Download
Year 8 Knowledge Organiser Term 2 2023 24 02nd Nov 2023 Download
Year 9 Knowledge Organiser Term 2 2023 24 02nd Nov 2023 Download
Year 10 Knowledge Organiser Term 2 2023 24 02nd Nov 2023 Download
Year 11 Knowledge Organiser Term 2 2023 24 02nd Nov 2023 Download
YR 11 KO Term 2 2023-24 Date  
Year 11 Knowledge Organiser Term 2 2023 24 02nd Nov 2023 Download