
Avon Valley Academy provides all students with the necessary information and guidance for them to make informed and realistic choices about future career and educational opportunities. All students are encouraged to use the Career’s library, which is incorporated in the Resource Centre. The library has a wide range of up to date information about careers and sixth form education and students may order their own copies of clips information leaflets. In addition to written material we offer a computerised careers guidance system (see below). 


Please click here to see our Careers Policy Please click here to see our Careers Programme Overview for 2024-2025Please click here to see our Strategic Careers Plan 

​If you would like any further assistance, please contact: 

Mrs M Weyers - careers@avonvalleyacademy.org.uk.

Or, via the school reception (01980 652467), and they will put you through.

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)

Careers guidance is delivered through our CEIAG Days (Careers Education Information, Advice and Guidance Days), and from a small input in Year 7, it increases to become a significant part in Years 10 and 11, During the Summer Term, Year 10 students have the opportunity to go on a one or two week work experience with local employers which gives them an insight into the world of work. As well as a Careers Lead, we also employ a CDI registered Careers Advisor. The LA supports students with statements and those at risk of becoming NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training).

Please click here to see our Provider Access Policy Statement Sept 2024

Measuring the Impact  

How Avon Valley Academy measures & assesses the impact of the careers programme on pupils  

  • Avon Valley Academy is using the ‘Compass evaluation tool’ to assess ongoing progress in relation to the eight Gatsby Benchmarks. 
  • Avon Valley Academy has a ‘Careers Plan’ in place to track progress in relation to this year's priorities and the eight Gatsby Benchmarks. 
  • The ‘Careers Plan’ is reviewed termly/Annually depending on need. â€‹

The following steps are in place to evaluate the effectiveness of its careers programme each year. 

The evaluation cycle involves:

1. Review of the objectives of the programme with a focus on outcomes for learners & assessing if the objectives have been met 
2. Focus on the delivery of the programme and evidence of impact on pupils 
3. Using feedback to adapt the programme to continuously improve it so it meets the objectives 

The evaluation also involves looking at a range of evidence such as: 

  • attainment 
  • progress 
  • options pathways 
  • destinations data 
  • feedback from students e.g. their understanding of different careers and pathways 

Feedback from other stakeholders includes: 

  • parents/carers 
  • teachers 
  • governors 
  • employers

An outline of the evaluation schedule is as follows: 

  • Are we making the best use of the resources we have allocated for careers work? (Termly) 
  • The effectiveness of different guidance interventions, e.g. one-to one interviews, small group work, drop-in sessions  
  • Are we optimising students’ learning from the careers programme? (Oct/July)
  •  Evaluation of Drop Down Days 
  • The learning outcomes achieved at the end of KS3 & KS4  
  •  How well are students succeeding in taking the next steps in their education, training or employment that are ‘right for them’? (March/Nov) 
  • The effectiveness of the Year 9 options process 
  • The destinations achieved at the end of KS4 ​ 

See other helpful resources below:



Click here to visit the Gov.UK Apprenticeship website

Search for an apprenticeship from a vast amount of employers all over the United Kingdom.

Career Pilot

Click here to visit the Career Pilot website

Fully interactive careers information website available to every student at Avon Valley College.  Students will need to register to gain access to the site.  There is information for students and parents on the labour market information for parents and carers to support their children in accessing the correct career path.

Career Pilot also give all information on choices from 14 to 18, including apprenticeships, further education and university level courses and where to study them.  It is a one stop shop on everything there is to know about careers for students and parents.